League Rules

  1. You MUST be age 36 by the end of the current calendar year or older to pitch in 30+ or 48+ games. You must be age 60 by the end of the current calendar year to pitch in 60+ games.

  2. A continuous batting order and set lineup will be used. The batting order picks up in the next game where it ended in the previous game. In playoff games the batting order can be reset every game and need not pick up where it left off the previous game.

  3. All players must wear a helmet at bat and on the bases. Catchers cannot wear shin guards when batting. Catchers must wear a helmet when catching. Base coaches are also required to wear helmets.

  4. Running for the catcher in 30+ games and running for the catcher and pitcher in 48+ or 60+ games with two outs IS MANDATORY. The last batted out is the player used as a pinch runner in these situations as well as for situations involving a courtesy runner.

  5. For the first 6 innings, the offensive team’s inning will end after 3 outs have been made or 4 runs have been scored (in 30+ and 48+ games), whichever comes first. This limit is 3 runs in 60+ games.

  6. This rule is waived after the 6th inning in scheduled 9 inning games, and after the 5th inning in scheduled 7 games, and unlimited runs are allowed for the remainder of the game. All runs count on a home run that clears the fence.

  7. A pitcher shall be removed and may not return to the game as a pitcher if he hits 3 batters during his time on the mound.

  8. No pitcher may pitch more than 5 innings in a scheduled 9 inning game and no more than 4 innings in a scheduled 7 inning game. Any appearance constitutes an inning.

  9. All players rotate defensively with the intention of all players having equal playing time during each game. A player should never sit out two consecutive defensive innings unless he/she chooses to.

  10. No malicious or unsportsmanlike conduct will be permitted. A fielder cannot block any portion of a base/plate with or without possession of the ball. The umpire will call obstruction and award the offended runner the base where the contact took place and additional bases as he deems appropriate. The runner should make every attempt to avoid physical contact with a fielder. A runner will be declared out if he initiates contact with the catcher or any other fielder in an attempt to dislodge the ball. The runner’s actions may also result in other runners being called out. If the conduct of the runner or the fielder is deemed intentional, malicious or unsportsmanlike by the umpire, the player will be immediately ejected from the game.

  11. A fielder is not permitted to fake a tag on an incoming runner. The fielder must be in possession of the ball when making a tag. Violation of this rule will result in all runners, including the batter runner, being awarded an additional base.

  12. ONLY players are permitted in the team dugout or on the bench. NO children, wives, friends, dogs, etc.

  13. If an offensive player is injured during play he may have a pinch runner; last player to make a batted out. This may be a courtesy runner if the team isn’t already using two courtesy runners. If both courtesy runners are being used, then he may still get a courtesy runner, but he will not play the next defensive inning. If a defensive player is injured during play he may be replaced on defense. There will be no penalty for him missing his scheduled at bat as long as the team has at least 9 batters in their lineup. Injured players coming to bat must run the bases or be declared out. If a player is injured during the game and is removed from the lineup, there is no penalty as long as the team still has at least 9 batters. Players who are injured at the onset of the game should be declared as injured during the plate conference and are thus excused from batting or playing defensively.

  14. When a courtesy runner is used, there is no limit to the runner's leadoff.  This is why we always recommend that first basemen hold the runner and pitchers still pitch from the stretch when there is a courtesy runner.  Just because they can't steal doesn't mean they can't get a much larger leadoff and effect potential plays at second base when the ball is put in play.  When a courtesy runner leads off and the pitcher or catcher makes a pickoff attempt of them, the runner can not advance to the next base, that would be considered a steal.  The only time when the runner can advance is when the pitcher or catcher makes a wild throw to the base.  That doesn't mean that they can advance when the fielder drops the throw, it means it has to get well past them for the runner to advance.  

  15. During playoffs a team forfeits if it has less than eight (8) players. Teams may borrow registered players from other teams to get them to 9 players, with the permission of the opposing manager and the league commissioner prior to playing the game. If it has only 8, it plays with 8, and an out will be declared each time the 9th batting spot comes about. During the regular season there are no forfeits. Teams who have less than 9 players will borrow players from the opposing team or any other league player in good standing to fill in for them.

  16. NO PLAYER MAY PLAY WITHOUT THE OFFICIAL PONCE DE LEON LEAGUE UNIFORM – they are available here. http://webstore.poncedeleonbaseball.com/

  17. A player ejected from a regular season or playoff game will be suspended for his team’s next played game. If this happens twice in a season, the player will be suspended for the season.

  18. No intentional walks are permitted. Pitchers may pitch around a batter, but they still have to throw the four pitches.

  19. In Ponce, if there is a runner, or runners, it is a balk when the pitcher stands anywhere on the dirt circle of the mound without the ball, and an attempt is made to tag a runner out via the infamous hidden ball trick.

  20. Any game that ends at the drop dead time of 3 hours will revert back to the score at the end of the previous completed inning except when the home team has tied or taken the lead in the final inning. In the case of a tie score the game would end up a tie. If the score were tied at the end of the previous inning for regular season games, it would stand as a tie.

  21. Each team is allowed courtesy runners for 2 of their players per game.  The intent of this rule is to allow a runner for an injured player who can still participate in the game but is unable to run effectively.  THIS RULE IS NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF RUNNING FOR YOUR SLOWER RUNNERS. 

    If the manager knows of an injury going into the game, he must let the other manager and the umpires know at the plate conference that you will be using a courtesy runner for them.  If you don't declare courtesy runners at the plate conference, none will be allowed except for a player who is clearly injured during the game and is still in the game.

    If someone gets injured during the game you may use a courtesy runner for them only if you haven't already designated courtesy runners for 2 other runners.  If you already have 2 designated, the normal Ponce rules will apply if you run for them (they won't be able to play defense the next inning).   

    In all cases, the courtesy runner will be the last batted out made.  If it happens in the first inning with no outs, it would be the last batter in the lineup.

    All courtesy runners MAY NOT STEAL.  If the pitched ball leaves the batter's-catcher's box area, the runner may advance, but no straight steals are allowed with courtesy runners.  Courtesy runners may not steal if the catcher blocks the ball and it stays in the plate area, the ball MUST leave the catcher's-batter's box area for them to advance.

    All other regular rules still apply for runners for pitchers and catchers with 2 outs.  These are not considered courtesy runners, and they may still steal when running for these players with 2 outs. 

  22. All other rules if not specifically stated above will follow professional baseball rules and regulations.

  23. For 60+ games only: batters making a clean hit to the outfield may not be thrown out at first base. Runners advancing to other bases may be thrown out from the outfield, however, outfielders may NOT be positioned in the infield at the time a pitch is being delivered.  Outfielders MUST be positioned a minimum of 20’ into the outfield from the edge of the infield in front of them at the time of the pitch delivery.  Once the baseball is put into play by the batter, the outfielder MAY charge the ball, but still may NOT throw out the batter/runner at first base regardless of where he fields the ball.  Only infielders playing a ball still in the infield may throw out the batter/runner at first base.  Outfielders at no time may throw out the batter/runner at first base. If an infielder touches a ground ball in the infield that gets away from him into the outfield, he may still throw the batter/runner out at first base, but only infielders are allowed to throw the batter/runner out. Only 1 successful steal is allowed per half inning. Any runner attempting to steal a base when their team has already stolen a base (in games where there is a one successful steal rule per half inning) or when they are a courtesy runner (running for an injured player) MUST return to the base they left.  The defensive team can get this player out if they successfully tag him out before he safely returns to the base he started from.  No other runners may advance on this play regardless of the outcome.  The offensive team should not benefit from a runner stealing in a situation where they are not allowed to steal.  The umpires SHALL announce that a team has had their successful steal once it happens so that everyone paying attention should be aware that they cannot steal when they reach base.  Runners may still advance on a wild pitch or passed ball that leaves the batter’s/catcher’s box area. For 48+ games only: the 1 successful steal per half inning rule may be used if both managers agree to it at the plate conference. In any games where there is a one steal per half inning restriction, runners who are clearly attempting to steal are considered to have stolen a base even in cases where the pitch ends up being a wild pitch or passed ball.  If the batter puts the ball into play, then it is NOT considered a stolen base.

  24. All metal bats must be -3 or less (i.e. no -6, -7, etc.).

  25. Ponce has adopted the 3 pickoff attempt rule that MLB uses. Making a pickoff attempt or disengaging the rubber (and not making a throw) are both considered a pickoff attempt. Pitchers may do this twice during any plate appearance. The third time will be considered a balk unless the attempt is successful. The 3 attempts resets with each new batter or any runner advancing a base.

Additional Play-Off Rules

  1. All games will be 9 innings.

    • 5 inning pitching rule in effect.

    • 4 run rule through 6th inning, 7 through 9 unlimited for 30+ and 48+ games.

    • 3 run rule through 6th inning, 7 through 9 unlimited for 60+ games.

    • No new inning after 2:45 and drop dead at 3 hours, umpire shall announce the last batter of the game when 3 hour limit is reached.

    • If tied, game reverts back to last complete inning with a team ahead, they are then declared the winners.

    • A team must have a minimum of 8 players from their own team to play
      the game – otherwise the game is forfeited and no game will be played.
      If you only have 8 players, you play with 8, no borrowing of players from
      any other team. An out will be recorded for the 9th missing batter each
      time his turn is reached in the batting order.

  2. The second team and/or game is the home team. Bring both jerseys!

  3. In the event of rain, you will be notified of when and where your next game
    will be scheduled. Make up games are posted on this website as soon as they have been scheduled.

  4. A new line-up may be drawn up for the play-off games.